Friday, 25 January 2019

Great American Adventure 1988 - Part Two

So I arrived in Los Angeles after three long days on a Greyhound Bus. What a journey that was! (You'll have to go back to Part One to listen about that). 

Now it was time to experience the Land Of Fruit & Nuts - sunny California and all it had to offer.
What happens in this show? I changed my name once (nearly twice!), almost get ripped to pieces, and find myself in the Beverly Hills Yacht Club!

All good fun. Listen here, comment and enjoy:

And in the true spirit of keeping it free. Here's a few tracks I used from the Free Music Archive :
This one I used in all it's entirety: The Balloon by Oblivian Substanshall

And here's a few that I used bits from:
American Dream by Cletus Got Shot
Stranger Danger by Thee Irma & Louise
Irish Washerwoman by Howie & Ann Mitchell
Drunken Sailor by Roger McGuinn
The End by Happy Elf

Please come back real soon to WRF.

You'll find me here: - Listen, comment and enjoy.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Down By The River Thames.. or As I Walked Out One Mid Winter’s Afternoon

Down By The River Thames - Not quite Laurie Lee style, more like jolly hiker mode - I set off for a brisk walk on this sprightly winter’s afternoon. Little did I know just how COLD (!) it was out there. Equally - I ran out of battery on my phone as well - unheard-of I know - but it really happened.

So I could have edited this and stuck a “proper” ending on this - but I didn’t. I want all my shows to be as natural as possible.

So as much as it was a surprise to me that my phone suddenly died on me - it will equally be a surprise for you when I suddenly stop talking and it’s the end of the show ... a kind of “Podcast Musical Chairs” 😀👍

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Stamford, Lincolnshire, England - Winter 2016 - The Audio From A Facebook Livefeed Video

Everyone was talking about doing podcasts on YouTube and saving the audio and blah, blah, blah. And I thought - "Wait a minute - I've got loads of Facebook Livefeed videos where I'm just wandering around describing things. They'd make cool little podcasts?!"

So, this is the first one from a business trip to a small market town called Stamford up in the county of Lincolnshire, England back in the Winter of 2016.

The "back story" behind this is that I'd just finished dinner in my hotel, and I went out to find a shop to purchase a bottle of water (at a much cheaper price than in the hotel). I also wanted to get out and discover the town. As it happens... well... you'll listen to what happens.

Note: Throughout the audio you you'll hear me pause and then answer someone or make a comment to someone - that's me reading the comments on my iPhone from people who were viewing the live video.

This podcast also hails the introduction of my new rebranded intro and intro - "WRF".
Please go over to my website and leave a comment there: - let me know what you think. And thanks for listening :)

Friday, 18 January 2019

Dreams - I Love Dreaming - How About You?

Dreams - As Bill Shakespeare once said:

 “We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.”

So I wanted to talk about dreams. About my dreams. And the whole concept of dreaming. We spend a third of our life in bed - generally asleep. What a wholly useless waste of time. I’m so glad for my Dream Land.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Out-Takes - Just Because You Miss Me ❤️❤️❤️

Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking - ha ha. It is mid January 2019 and I still find myself without a full recording voice. So - I have scraped together some deleted iPhone memo recordings where things went a bit wrong...!.. (3.5 minutes worth 😀👍) and have packaged them together here in the Anchor app.
I will admit this is just a shameless excuse to publish SOMETHING until the full voice arrives. (The last minute of this is an actual “Pocket Recording”... lol...)

Enjoy. And hopefully I’ll be back soon!