Monday, 21 January 2019

Down By The River Thames.. or As I Walked Out One Mid Winter’s Afternoon

Down By The River Thames - Not quite Laurie Lee style, more like jolly hiker mode - I set off for a brisk walk on this sprightly winter’s afternoon. Little did I know just how COLD (!) it was out there. Equally - I ran out of battery on my phone as well - unheard-of I know - but it really happened.

So I could have edited this and stuck a “proper” ending on this - but I didn’t. I want all my shows to be as natural as possible.

So as much as it was a surprise to me that my phone suddenly died on me - it will equally be a surprise for you when I suddenly stop talking and it’s the end of the show ... a kind of “Podcast Musical Chairs” 😀👍

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